How To Fix A Smashed Hat

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you accidentally sit on your hat, you step on it walking through your messy room or realize your hat ended up at the bottom of your suitcase? Yikes. If you said yes to any of those, this post is for you! We are talking all about how to reshape your hat if it's been crushed. Whether you are a hat hoarder or you've just made your first purchase, we are letting you in on a little secret, a hat maker's secret, steam is KEY. 



There are multiple ways you can steam out the scrunch, the crunch or anything in between including using an industrial steamer, a handheld steamer, boiling a pot of water at home or even throwing it in the bathroom to steam while you shower. Don't worry, no matter what steaming device you have, we are walking you through each option! 


If you don't have a steamer on hand, you can boil water in a tea kettle or a regular metal pot you would use for cooking. When the water boils, dump it out and hold your hat about a foot from the steam as you drain. 


Steam your hat by turning on the shower to the hottest setting and shut the door. Hang the hat away from the water's steam on the back of the door or a hook for about 20 minutes or less and that should do the trick!

When it comes to GigiPip hats, you can decrunch both your straw and felt hats. With straw hats, heat them evenly working continuously on the wire lining. Start with the brim of the hat and work your way around. Shape it up as you steam, but be sure to lay it flat using books or weight to dry.

Felt hats usually require just steaming the brim, but make sure it is heated evenly and work your way around the hat until it's back to its original shape.

So if you accidentally sit on your hat, don't panic! It can be fixed. 



Gigi Pip


Blog post courtesy of GigiPip.

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